Monday, November 11, 2013

The Balancing Act to Squeeze Information Out of Omega Juicers

The Balancing Act
Omega Juicers, a manufacturer of top quality juicers, blenders, dehydrators, and other food preparation equipment, is scheduled to appear on The Balancing Act television program in early 2014. Here, The Balancing Act team answers questions about the company’s upcoming appearance and products.

Q: When will Omega’s segment air on The Balancing Act?

The Balancing Act: As of now, a firm date has not been set, but it will be in the first quarter of 2014.

Q: What information will be presented during the segment?

The Balancing Act: Viewers will be introduced to the Omega Juicer and learn how to extract the most nutrition from fruits and vegetables.

Q: Who founded Omega Juicers?

The Balancing Act: Omega Juicers was developed by a juicing pioneer named Robert Leo. Leo spent 20 years developing his original products, which are today still considered the highest quality available on the market.

Q: Who owns Omega Juicers?

The Balancing Act: The company was purchased by The Legacy Companies in 2009.

Q: What other brands does Legacy own?

The Balancing Act: The Legacy Companies is the force behind many name-brand food service products including General Slicing and Zeroll.

Q: What types of juicers does Omega manufacture?

The Balancing Act: Centrifugal, masticating, pulp ejector, low speed, and citrus juicers are all available in Omega’s product line.

Q: What is the difference between masticating and centrifugal juicers?

The Balancing Act: A centrifugal juicer utilizes a fast rotating metal blade and filter to separate juice from pulp. A masticating juicer uses crushing pressure to extract juice.

Q: Which is better?

The Balancing Act: That depends on lifestyle. A centrifugal juicer is much faster, but the heat-producing friction destroys some of the fruit and vegetable enzymes. A masticating juicer, also called a cold-pressed juicer, renders a higher yield of nutrients but is often more expensive.

Q: What is the Mega Mouth 330 Juicer?

The Balancing Act: This is a high-capacity juicer available through Omega Juicers. It is a pulp-ejection style machine designed for commercial use.

Q: What low-speed juicers are available through Omega Juicers?

The Balancing Act: Omega offers a full line of low-speed juicers priced from $229 to $429.

Q: What is the difference between Omega’s high-end and consumer-line blenders?

The Balancing Act: Omega offers one-, two- and three-horsepower blenders. The three-horsepower blenders are typically a higher wattage and constructed of commercial-quality materials. Omega’s one-horsepower motor products are crafted to work well in any home while operating efficiently.

Q: Does Omega Juicers sell directly to consumers?

The Balancing Act: Yes, products are available on the company’s website, at

Q: What are the benefits of drinking fresh juice?

The Balancing Act: Juice that is freshly extracted contains a higher level of nutrition than juice that has been sitting on a store shelf. The person doing the juicing has control over the ingredients and is able to custom-blend a drink to their specifications.

Q: Why has The Balancing Act chosen to feature Omega Juicers on the show?

The Balancing Act: Omega Juicers is the world’s leading manufacturer of quality juicing appliances. Since the show focuses on helping women lead healthy and productive lives, Omega is a perfect fit that will be of interest to viewers.

The Balancing Act airs daily on Lifetime Television at 7 a.m. and features news and information for women, about women, and by women.